Crucial Compliance takes BetProtect under its wing | Founders will be involved in future development

Rebeka Kulakevich
Senior Reporter

It’s not unusual to see successful companies buy out small businesses with potential. Owners who get tired of running their business often sell their company and seek either a full or partial exit. The big dogs typically do so for their own game and only keep the original founders on board if the brand is sold for a lower acquisition price. However, companies like Crucial Compliance operate on a more heart-to-heart level. At the beginning of April, the industry-leading compliance specialist company acquired a father and son based brand called BetProtect in order to combat gambling addictions, while also maintaining ties with the duo founders. 

Crucial Compliance takes BetProtect under its wing | Founders will be involved in future development

Effective idea meets successful execution

Gambling addictions have become a serious issue, especially in the past years affected by the pandemic. Thankfully, companies like Crucial Compliance continuously pour their hearts into minimizing the problem. This Gibraltar-based, industry-leading compliance specialist consults casino operators to help create a safe space for problem players and offers long-term prevention methods such as player protection solutions for responsible gambling. Despite the recent launch in 2019, Crucial Compliance already gained experience from working with operators across multiple jurisdictions.

There are also smaller brands that sacrifice an immense amount of time and effort to influence the gambling industry at risk. A father and son, David and Adam Bradford, used their personal testimony to start a non-profit organization (Safer Online Gambling Group) and create a BetProtect App in hopes of preventing players from gambling addictions.

David has experienced the grip of this addiction to its maximum level as it led him to exhaust his family’s funds and to steal money from his workplace to feed his addiction. Years in jail inspired him to get his life back on track and put an end to his gambling problem. Adam, who is now 28, went through a painful journey of his own, as the time away from his soul-lost father robbed him of 7 years of a much-needed relationship.

“Even the last seven years since Dad came out of jail has been very difficult for our family, but the terrible impact on us has been the inspiration for our work with the industry to provide an extra layer of support for those at risk,” Adam shares.

Time-consuming campaigns and efforts to combat the worldwide issue were quite the load for the two to handle. Finally, BetProtect came to life and served to provide tools and professional advice to players who struggle to gamble responsibly. The mobile and desktop app offered outlets to on-the-spot therapists and counselors. But the grand idea pushed by a duo was in desperate need of an extra push.

Crucial Compliance acquires BetProtect

Influenced by the duo’s movement, Crucial Compliance stepped in to expand the Safer Online Gambling Group’s movement and acquired BetProtect on August 1. The purchase allows for considerable growth with many providers even beyond the United Kingdom.

“BetProtect’s new home is the perfect place for its features and content to be rolled out across the industry, thanks to the direction and expertise provided by Crucial Compliance’s compliance expertise and technological ability......The model in place is not commercial; it’s built around reinvestment, which means that finance generated is put back into the development of the app, both in terms of improving its effectiveness through analytical analysis and putting it in front of more and more people.,” explained Adam Bradford, the BetProtect co-founder.

Crucial Compliance is set to carry on the original essence of the idea, as they believe that first-hand experience is the key to the App’s success,

“We draw an enormous sense of pride from the fact that our family’s experiences will be able to make a long-lasting difference to help players with a problem, and we hope that our contributions to the public policy debate have inspired others with hope that gambling addiction can be overcome,” Crucial Compliances representatives stated.

What's more, is that the father and son are not getting booted from their brand, as David will continue influencing the future development of the App, and will hold the title of a gambling advisor as Crucial Compliances do their part in expanding the brand.

“Equipped with the app, and the knowledge and insight we can gain from David’s lived experiences, we are setting out to change the industry one company at a time, and the acquisition of BetProtect forms another cornerstone of that objective,” the company’s CEO, Paul Foster shares.

The duo’s story will continue to be the driving factor behind promoting the brand, and both parties are pouring in 100% of their efforts to save players around the world from the dangers of problem gambling. The company shared its short-term plans to prevent gambling-related harm and protect players as quickly as possible and aim for a cultural change in the industry, keeping the power of David’s own story front of mind.

Safer Online Gambling Group has handed over its name to Crucial Compliance and will no longer exist as an independent non-profit organization. However, the lack of it will be replaced with much-stronger team-reached success.

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